Executive Coach and Educational Leadership Consultant.

Elevating school leaders to be capable, confident and highly effective in their work through:

  • Coaching and consulting to ensure you are shortlisted and perform at your best in interview.

  • Coaching for school leaders to build confidence and capability in the most challenges areas of your role.

  • Consultations for school leaders and teams; sharing lessons learned from over 25 years of experience and wisdom gained from reading and research.


  • Executive Coaching

    This is coaching aimed at school leaders to help you to challenge your perspectives and to recognise and utilise your strengths. Executive coaching provides a trusted thinking partner to build your confidence and capability in resolving dilemmas and making critical choices for yourself and your school.

  • HeadSTART

    A programme specifically designed for newly appointed Headteachers. Based on the wisdom and teaching of the most successful leaders, you will learn how to establish and share core values: build trust and a positive culture from the outset; and how to manage your time, your team and multiple challenges in your first term.

  • Team Training

    Whether aimed at leadership teams, whole staff teams or departments, Kathryn will share tools, techniques and proven successful approaches for building positive culture and effective practices. Topics range from ‘Empowering Feedback’ to ‘Meaningful Meetings.’ For a full list, of topics see the ‘Team Training’ page.

  • Team Coaching

    Coaching for members of your leadership team.

    This coaching service grows leaders by focusing on agreed areas of development and supporting them in meeting performance targets.

    Through reflective practices and exercises, leaders will develop the personal and professional skills needed for success.

  • Step into School Leadership

    Supporting you in securing your ideal teaching or leadership role by:

    Identifying your ideal school

    Writing a stand out letter of application

    Creating a powerful presentation

    Being fully prepared for interview

  • Book Club

    In the spirit of continual learning and sharing, here you will find advice, insights and leadership lessons from a range of books on leadership and life.

    Read reviews for key takeaways that you can quickly apply in your leadership and recommendations for books you may benefit from reading in full.

    Updated fortnightly.
